2021/22 Women’s Circles Registration Is Open

November 1, 2021

There is just something so profoundly centering and nurturing about being seen and supported by other women. It’s like coming home… What I have learned over the past year and a half, is that women thrive when they support each other. I learned this when my world turned upside down and I realized I needed…

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Mom (Caregiver) Stress & COVID - How To Give Yourself A Break by Michelle Thompson

Mom (Caregiver) Stress & COVID – How to Give Yourself a Break

August 24, 2020

Why won’t they just leave me alone? That is what I ask myself when I am feeling overwhelmed by the demands of our large household and extended family – especially during pandemic induced togetherness. When I feel overwhelmed, it seems like they are being too demanding, always needing something from me. Being at the effect…

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The All-Too-Common Way Women Unintentionally Make Men Pull Away In Relationships

February 28, 2020

Is your guy growing distant? Despite differences in personality and attachment style, women in general tend to develop the same combination of bad habits when they are in a relationship. And without even realizing it, these negative patterns cause women to self-sabotage otherwise healthy relationships and make men pull away. If you’re worried that your…

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Give Yourself The Gift of Self Awareness and Enjoy Your Happiest Holiday Season by Michelle Thompson, LiveInRadiance.com

Give Yourself The Gift of Self Awareness and Enjoy Your Happiest Holiday Season

December 12, 2019

The Holidays are upon us with anticipation in the air and perhaps some mild dread in our hearts. Along with all the fun of the holiday season, there can also be more stress at this time of the year. Having more events to attend, especially with those who really know how to push our buttons,…

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The Three Things Teenagers And Parents Want The Other To Understand by Michelle Thompson, LiveInRadiance.com

The Three Things Teenagers And Parents Want The Other To Understand

November 5, 2019

If there were just three things teenagers and parents could understand about each other, there would be far less drama and way more happy family experiences. Despite their still developing pre-frontal cortex (the decision making part of the brain) – leading to some questionable choices sometimes – teenagers are not so different from their parents.…

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Surrendering To The Reality of Being A Mom by Michelle Thompson, LiveInRadiance.com

Surrendering To The Reality of Being A Mom

September 10, 2019

This reality – that being a mom never ends – really hit home this Summer. I struggled to keep my attention on work as my house filled back up with returning college kids and high schoolers on Summer break. This would be my first Summer after deciding earlier in the year to prioritize building my…

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Do You Fuel or Diffuse Drama

July 16, 2019

This week in our Drop The Drama Online Community, we are discussing how we all have the potential to be a Drama Queen. We can either rule at creating drama or diffusing it. This month we are exploring the topic of personality and its role in fueling or diffusing drama. Understanding my inner Drama Queen…

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How The Personality Traits In Your Enneagram Type Might Be Attracting Toxic Relationships via Michelle Thompson at LiveInRadiance.com

How The Personality Traits In Your Enneagram Type Might Be Attracting Toxic Relationships (& How To Stop It)

July 3, 2019

Don’t sabotage yourself when it comes to love. The Enneagram test can give you a ton of insight into your personality type and what this could mean for you from everything to romantic relationships to how you react to problems big and small. But your Enneagram type can also give you a list of incredible…

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Do You Need Some Summertime First Aid Too?

June 27, 2019

I always start the Summer off with the best intentions of having fun and relaxing with my family and friends enjoying the longer sun-filled days. Somehow every year, the dream comes to an abrupt halt almost immediately after the reality of the season sets in – kids home with erratic work and activity schedules, sharing…

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4 Ways To Be A Better Partner Every Day (That Will Improve Your Relationship Dramatically)

May 30, 2019

Make your relationship stronger than ever! If you want to improve your relationship, there are two simple things you need to do: be willing to take action and be committed to seeing it through. These are two essential steps to being the best partner you can be while you create a happier and healthier relationship.…

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