Mom (Caregiver) Stress & COVID - How To Give Yourself A Break by Michelle Thompson

Mom (Caregiver) Stress & COVID – How to Give Yourself a Break

August 24, 2020

Why won’t they just leave me alone? That is what I ask myself when I am feeling overwhelmed by the demands of our large household and extended family – especially during pandemic induced togetherness. When I feel overwhelmed, it seems like they are being too demanding, always needing something from me. Being at the effect…

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Give Yourself The Gift of Self Awareness and Enjoy Your Happiest Holiday Season by Michelle Thompson,

Give Yourself The Gift of Self Awareness and Enjoy Your Happiest Holiday Season

December 12, 2019

The Holidays are upon us with anticipation in the air and perhaps some mild dread in our hearts. Along with all the fun of the holiday season, there can also be more stress at this time of the year. Having more events to attend, especially with those who really know how to push our buttons,…

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How The Personality Traits In Your Enneagram Type Might Be Attracting Toxic Relationships via Michelle Thompson at

How The Personality Traits In Your Enneagram Type Might Be Attracting Toxic Relationships (& How To Stop It)

July 3, 2019

Don’t sabotage yourself when it comes to love. The Enneagram test can give you a ton of insight into your personality type and what this could mean for you from everything to romantic relationships to how you react to problems big and small. But your Enneagram type can also give you a list of incredible…

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5 Ways to Live Your Best Life Now Instead of Waiting For IT

5 Ways to Live Your Best Life Now Instead of Waiting For IT

May 22, 2019

At any moment you can choose to create your most happy and fulfilling life by taking inspired and focused action rather than doing the same old thing and waiting for something different to happen. Here are five techniques you can use to become a conscious creator and live your best life right now. Best Life…

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Three Resources You Can Use to Shift Your Inner Dialogue by Michelle Thompson,

Three Resources You Can Use to Shift Your Inner Dialogue

December 18, 2018

It’s that time of year again, when the spirit of giving flows while we celebrate with family and friends. It is a great time to connect and build relationships and tradition. At the same time, more time together, coupled with lots of expectations of what the season will bring, creates the opportunity for conflict to…

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Making Presence My Present This Year

December 1, 2017

How often have you received an invitation in the mail, where it has indicated No Gifts Please – Your Presence Is Your Present? There could be many reasons why hosts choose to include that instruction. Maybe they end up with a lot of stuff they don’t need every time they throw a party; they don’t…

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Does Your Monkey Mind Love Shiny Objects?

October 25, 2017

Have you heard the story of people capturing nuisance monkeys using jars filled with shiny objects? Jars are set out filed with objects the monkeys would want to touch. Instead of putting a top on the jar they leave an opening that could just fit a monkey’s hand with fingers elongated and squeezed together. The…

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The Best Way to Care for Yourself is to Stop Clinging to the Roles You Play

September 15, 2017

Self-care is important.  We have heard it hundreds of times – from our from our friends, the news, social media, etc… Intellectually, we know it is true because it makes sense, especially when made clear with simple metaphors like: put your own life jacket on first so you can help others around you; or, you…

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The Universe is Like a Perfect Butler

How is the Universe Like a Perfect Butler?

April 3, 2017

The universe is like a perfect butler. We ask for something and it responds with “As you wish.” Moments later the butler returns with what we asked for delivered on a silver platter. You may be thinking, “sure, that’s how it works for you, but not in my life.” I say to you, Not True.…

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Being a Leader in Your Life

March 22, 2016

There are many valuable resources, concepts and theories out there that illuminate what it means to live life from a conscious perspective. The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership, written by my mentors, Jim Dethmer and Diana Chapman and their colleague Kaley Warner Klemperer, is hands down the most comprehensive, practical and effective application of the…

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